Tillandsia or “air plant”
Tillandsia or Air Plant
To go and settle in our " Lolite " pot. Here is an article on tillandsias.
What's a plant that doesn't need soil?
It is a plant that comes from tropical forests that grows under trees on the trunks or even on wooden bios on the ground where moss is formed, because they love hot and humid environments.
This little plant doesn't need soil and looks so cute in our new Mimipots.
There are several varieties of tillandsias: Tillandsia stricta; Tillandsia ionantha; Tillandsia caput-medusae; Tillandsia cyanea; Tillandsia butzii...
These are plants with few or no roots. Watering is done through the foliage.
The average watering frequency is once a week in the summer season, and in winter the frequency is reduced.
A word of advice, water in the morning so that the plant dries during the day thanks to the sun.
One way to water it is to soak the tillandsia upside down in water for about 15 minutes . Then, let it drain upside down to prevent the water from seeping into the heart of the plant and causing it to rot.
You can also spray it with water, but again, you have to be careful that there is no stagnation in the heart to prevent it from rotting.
Types of water:
- Demineralised
- rain
- Fresh water that sat on the counter
The location is important, it needs a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
The temperature can vary between 10 and 30 degrees.
Tillandsias like well-ventilated and well-ventilated rooms.
Since they do not need substrates... they can be used decoratively or in rocks, moss, etc.
Here are some suggestions and inspirations:
Thanks for reading!
If you want more information, I suggest this link .
To get you Tillandsias it's here and we offer delivery.
Myriam - Les Mimipots